
attract our attention and be noticed.




听力方法:1. 听3-5遍以上,2. 对照文本听2遍,并查5-10个单词 3. 盲听5遍以上。4. 留言处写下问题的答案。只要你留言,我就给你上墙,留言格式:昵称+天数,e.g 爱酱-Day 4



Rob and Neil discuss the oddest item of clothing to hit the catwalk this year - the humble high-vis jacket. They were designed to be worn for safety by people like cyclists and pedestrians and by workers who need to be seen if, for example, they're working in the road or are directing people. So it's strange to think that now people choose to wear them as the latest fashion item. Listen to our discussion and learn new vocabulary along the way.

In which decade were leg warmers worn as a popular fashion accessory? Was it…

a)    the 1970s

b)    the 1980s

c)    the 1990s?

Listen to the programme to find out the answer.

Note: This is not a word for word transcript

Hello. Welcome to 6 Minute English, I'm Neil. 

And I'm Rob. 

Rob, it's good to see you keeping up with fashion by wearing the high-vis jacket – although I have to say it is a bit dazzling. 

Neil, I'm no fashion victim – this high-vis or high-visibility jacket is for safety. I wear it when I'm cycling around London and I've just forgotten to take it off. 

And a fashion victim, by the way, is someone who always wears what's thought to be fashionable, even if it doesn't actually look good on them. But wearing high-vis clothing has become the latest fashion statement – that's something you wear to attract attention and people who know something about fashion. 

Well, I can assure you, I don't wear my bright jacket to look cool but in today's programme we'll be discussing why some people do. But first Neil, have you got a question for us to think about? 

OK, we know that fashions come and go but in which decade were leg warmers worn as a popular fashion accessory? Was it…
a)    the 1970s,
b)    the 1980s or
c)    the 1990s? 

I do remember these so I'll say b) the 1980s. 

Well, we'll reveal the answer at the end of the programme. Now let's talk more about the oddest item of clothing to hit the catwalk this year - the humble high-vis jacket. 

Yes, they were designed to be worn for safety by people like cyclists and pedestrians and by workers who need to be seen if, for example, they're working in the road or directing traffic. So it's strange to think that now people choose to wear them to be on-trend – that's following the latest fashion. 

Hannah Marriott is the Fashion Editor of the Guardian newspaper. She told the BBC Radio 4 programme You and Yours, why she thought people were turning to bright, luminous clothing. What was the reason? 

Hannah Marriott, Fashion Editor, The Guardian 
There's also just a trend at the moment for people wearing very bright things, very eye-catching things, it feels that with social media, you know, everyone's scrolling down their Instagram screens at such speed and anything that sort of catches the eye, that seems yeah, like a bit of a talking point, something that's going to get a bit of attention  - those kind of trends are getting a bit more traction at the moment - than the sort of understatedcashmere jumper kind of fashion. 

So her reason is social media. In our fast-paced lives, we're quickly scrolling through our social media feeds and people want to stand out, attract our attention and be noticed. 

And these attention-seekers need to wear some eye-catching – something that will catch your eye and be noticed. High-vis clothing certainly does that! 

Hannah mentioned that wearing something different creates a talking point – something that you or I may discuss at work or on social media – even if it is to say "that guys looks ridiculous"! And she also mentions that people are becoming interested in and accepting these kinds of trends – the word she used was traction.

 here means this fashion trend is starting to stick. Of course fashion comes at a price. While an ordinary high-vis vest used for workwear is normally affordable, when they're sold as a fashion item they can go for much higher prices, particularly if they have a designer label showing on the front. 

This raises an important question. We know that many people wearing high-vis jackets are doing important jobs, so does this fashion devalue what they're doing? 

Yes, it's something Hannah Marriott talked about. Let's hear from her again. What word does she use to describe a difficult issue? 

Hannah Marriott, Fashion Editor, The Guardian
Every time fashion borrows from workwear, there're always some sort of thorny issues around it - particularly when you're charging £2000 for something that is actually very similar to, you know, a uniform that somebody might be wearing who doesn't actually make that much money, you know, there's obviously some thorny class issues there.

So she used the word thorny to describe the issue of things worn at work becoming expensive fashion items. Thorny issues are subjects that are difficult deal with. Here she particularly mentioned the issue of class – so different groups of people in society in different economic positions – some can afford clothing for fashion, others can only afford clothing for work. 

And the other issue is that if everyone starts wearing high-vis clothing, then the people who need to stand out for their own safety may not stand out as easily. 

And we wouldn't want to miss you when you're out cycling on your bike, Rob. But would we miss you if you were wearing a pair of leg warmers? Earlier I asked in which decade were leg warmers worn as a popular fashion accessory. Was it…
a)    the 1970s,
b)    the 1980s or
c)    the1990s?

Yes, and I said b) the 1980s. It's got to be right!

Well, you know your fashion, Rob – it was indeed the 1980s. Leg warmers were originally worn by dancers to keep their muscles from cramping after stretching, but in the early 1980s they became fashionable for teenage girls to wear. 

OK, let's move on and recap on some of the vocabulary we've mentioned today. Starting with fashion victim – that's someone who always wears what's thought to be fashionable, even if it doesn't actually look good on them. Like that pair of red jeans you used to wear, Neil. 

They, Rob, were on-trend – that means 'in keeping up with the latest fashion'. Of course wearing something red is very eye-catching which means attracting attention and being noticed. 

Next we mentioned traction. If something gains traction it becomes accepted and popular. And then we had understated. In fashion, this describes something that does not attract attention and is not that impressive. 

And then we discussed the word thorny. A tree or bush with thorns is difficult to touch and handle and similarly a thorny issue is a subject that is difficult to deal with and discuss. 

Well, we've covered some thorny and less thorny issues today but we know that fashions change and maybe high-vis fashion won't be here forever. 

That's it for now but please join us next time for 6 Minute English. See you soon. Goodbye. 

Bye bye!

fashion victim
someone who always wears what's thought to be fashionable, even if it doesn't actually look good on them

in keeping up with the latest fashion

attracting attention and being noticed

if something gains traction it becomes accepted and popular

(fashion) something that does not attract attention and is not that impressive

thorny (adjective)
a thorny issue is a subject that is difficult to deal with and discuss


Hello. Welcome to 6 Minute English, I’m Neil.
And I’m Rob.
Rob, it’s good to see you keeping up with fashion by wearing the high-vis jacket – although I have to say it is a bit dazzling.
Neil, I’m no fashion victim. This high-vis or high-visibility jacket is for safety. I wear it when I’m cycling around London and I’ve just forgotten to take it off.
And a fashion victim, by the way, is someone who always wears what’s thought to be fashionable, even if it doesn’t actually look good on them. But wearing high-vis clothing has become the latest fashion statement.That’s something you wear to attract attention and people who know something about fashion.
Well, I can assure you, I don’t wear my bright jacket to look cool. But in today’s programme we’ll be discussing why some people do. But first, Neil, have you got a question for us to think about?
OK, we know that fashions come and go, but in which decade were leg warmers worn as a popular fashion accessory? Was it… a)    the 1970s, b)    the 1980s or c)    the 1990s?
好的,我们知道时尚反反复复,但是在哪个年代护腿被当做潮流配饰穿戴?是a) 20世纪70年代, b) 20世纪80年代 还是 c) 20世纪90年代?
I do remember these, so I’ll say b) the 1980s.
我确实记得这些,所以我说是b) 20世纪80年代。
Well, we’ll reveal the answer at the end of the programme. Now let’s talk more about the oddest item of clothing to hit the catwalk this year - the humble high-vis jacket.
Yes, they were designed to be worn for safety by people like cyclists and pedestrians and by workers who need to be seen if, for example, they’re working in the road or directing traffic. So it’s strange to think that now people choose to wear them to be on-trend, that’s following the latest fashion.
Hannah Marriott is the Fashion Editor of the Guardian newspaper. She told the BBC Radio 4 programme You and Yours, why she thought people were turning to bright, luminous clothing. What was the reason?
汉娜?玛丽奥特是《卫报》的时尚编辑。她告诉BBC广播4频道You and Yours她觉得为什么人们穿亮眼鲜艳的衣服。理由是什么呢?
There’s also just a trend at the moment for people wearing very bright things, very eye-catching things. It feels that with social media, you know, everyone’s scrolling down their Instagram screens at such speed. And anything that sort of catches the eye, that seems yeah, like a bit of a talking point, something that’s going to get a bit of attention. Those kind of trends are getting a bit more traction at the moment than the sort of understated cashmere jumper kind of fashion.
So her reason is social media. In our fast-paced lives, we’re quickly scrolling through our social media feeds and people want to stand out, attract our attention and be noticed.
And these attention-seekers need to wear some eye-catching – something that will catch your eye and be noticed. High-vis clothing certainly does that!
Hannah mentioned that wearing something different creates a talking point – something that you or I may discuss at work or on social media.Even if it is to say “that guy looks ridiculous“! And she also mentions that people are becoming interested in and accepting these kinds of trends.The word she used was ’traction’.
Traction’ here means this fashion trend is starting to stick. Of course fashion comes at a price. While an ordinary high-vis vest used for workwear is normally affordable.When they’re sold as a fashion item they can go for much higher prices, particularly if they have a designer label showing on the front.
This raises an important question. We know that many people wearing high-vis jackets are doing important jobs, so does this fashion devalue what they’re doing?
Yes, it’s something Hannah Marriott talked about. Let’s hear from her again. What word does she use to describe a difficult issue?
Every time fashion borrows from workwear, there’re always some sort of thorny issues around it. Particularly when you’re charging £2000 for something that is actually very similar to, you know, a uniform that somebody might be wearing who doesn’t actually make that much money. You know, there’s obviously some thorny class issues there.
So she used the word ’thorny’ to describe the issue of things worn at work becoming expensive fashion items. Thorny issues are subjects that are difficult deal with.  Here she particularly mentioned the issue of class. So different groups of people in society in different economic positions.Some can afford clothing for fashion, others can only afford clothing for work.
And the other issue is that if everyone starts wearing high-vis clothing, then the people who need to stand out for their own safety may not stand out as easily.
And we wouldn’t want to miss you when you’re out cycling on your bike, Rob. But would we miss you if you were wearing a pair of leg warmers? Earlier I asked in which decade were leg warmers worn as a popular fashion accessory. Was it… a) the 1970s, b) the 1980s or c) the1990s?
而且当你在外骑自行车时我们不想要注意不到你,罗伯。但是你穿着一副护腿时,我们会注意不到你吗?早些时候我问在哪个年代护腿作为时尚潮流配饰穿戴。是a) 20世纪70年代, b) 20世纪80年代还是c) 20世纪90年代?
Yes, and I said b) the 1980s. It’s got to be right!
是的,而且我说是b) 20世纪80年代。它肯定是对的!
Well, you know your fashion, Rob, it was indeed the 1980s. Leg warmers were originally worn by dancers to keep their muscles from cramping after stretching. But in the early 1980s they became fashionable for teenage girls to wear.
OK, let’s move on and recap on some of the vocabulary we’ve mentioned today. Starting with ’fashion victim’.That’s someone who always wears what’s thought to be fashionable, even if it doesn’t actually look good on them.Like that pair of red jeans you used to wear, Neil.
好的,让我们继续并回顾一下我们今天提到的一些单词。从“fashion victim”开始。那是说总是穿认为时尚服饰的人,即使他们穿着并不好看。就像你曾经穿过的那条红色牛仔裤,尼尔。
They, Rob, were on-trend. That means ’in keeping up with the latest fashion’. Of course wearing something red is very eye-catching which means attracting attention and being noticed.
Next we mentioned ’traction’. If something gains traction it becomes accepted and popular. And then we had ’understated’. In fashion, this describes something that does not attract attention and is not that impressive.
And then we discussed the word thorny. A tree or bush with thorns is difficult to touch and handle and similarly a thorny issue is a subject that is difficult to deal with and discuss.
Well, we’ve covered some thorny and less thorny issues today. But we know that fashions change and maybe high-vis fashion won’t be here forever.
That’s it for now but please join us next time for 6 Minute English.See you soon. Goodbye.
Bye bye!



  • 听不懂(听力材料太难)

  • 两天打渔,三天晒网,不能坚持(绝大部分人都输在这一条上面)

  • 没有刻意练习(没有精听的过程,不能提高)


  • BBC听力材料是对话题材,相对简单,一般水平都能听得懂

  • 可以练习,每天听写两到三个句子。


  • 1. 听3-5遍以上

  • 2. 对照文本听2遍,并查5-10个单词(先看英文版,再对照双语版)

  • 3. 盲听5遍以上。

  • 4. 留言处写下问题的答案以及听写的两至三个句子。

你留言,我给你上墙,留言格式:昵称+天数,e.g 爱酱-Day 4-C- I love bread


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备考专辑:英专听力50篇 & 20天四级单词 &  60篇高分范文  & 学术写作40集 & 哈佛大学写作

语音单词:美音发音视频教程 英音发音视频教程 & 名师课堂100集 & 美音教程

新闻英语:VOA标准 & VOA慢速 & BBC新闻 & 18BBC地道英语

歌曲TED:  听歌学英语 & TED合集 & 18年歌曲合集 & 19年歌单

美文故事:  双语美文30篇 & 有声双语48篇 & 听名著学英语 & 图说英文

名字外教:男生版 & 女生版 & 搞笑版 & 命运版 & 外教课310合集 & 每日听写200集


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